Round round get around
I get around
Thurs, Sept. 16, 2004
NEW JERSEY - A woman wearing a T-shirt with the words "President Bush You Killed My Son" and a picture of a soldier killed in Iraq was detained Thursday after she interrupted a campaign speech by first lady Laura Bush.
Police escorted Sue Niederer, of Hopewell, N.J., from a rally at a firehouse after she demanded to know why her son, Army 1st Lt. Seth Dvorin, 24, was killed in Iraq. Dvorin died in February while trying to disarm a bomb.
Sun, Aug. 29, 2004
NEW YORK - There were the pallbearers, spread out over six blocks, who carried 600 cardboard coffins draped with homemade flags as symbols of soldiers killed in Iraq.
Then there were those for whom the dead were much more than a symbol, such as Sue Niederer of Hopewell, N.J., who marched with a sign that read: "President Bush, You killed my son."
There are those who are proud of this woman who is traipsing about the entire country looking for every available venue to scream out that, "Bush killed my son". While I sympathize for her loss, I think it's ultimately a pathetic, political manipulation by the Democrats of an obviously distraught, if not outright unstable woman. To have that kind of energy to follow the President about and claim Bush himself actually killed her son is quite obviously obsessive and delusional at the very least, and you don't need to be a psychiatrist to see it. Her DNC "handlers" should be steering her toward grief counseling, so she can at least get to the point where she realizes the truth; that terrorists, a bomb, and even her son's choices and his own two hands were more directly instrumental in his death, than President Bush himself.
But don't expect that kind of compassion before opportunism on their part any time soon. As long as hysterics and abstraction are the methods that people are willing to use to continue this national debate, it will be nothing but a useless, screeching carousel.
Most people think she lost so much that it's inappropriate to approach her to disagree, let alone criticize her. Again, I condemn her handlers who are willing to trade a handful of votes at the expense of a poor, unfortunate woman's very grasp on reality.
How much does THAT cost, Terry McAuliffe?
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