Friday, September 10, 2004

I was watching the John McEnroe show tonight and he was asking a British guest why they “drive on the wrong side of the road”. HAHAHAHAHAHA…ohhhhh…He followed with the comment (that was not questioned by the guest or “sidekick John Fugelsang”) that “look, the whole thing started when the Americans, the Wright Brothers, invented the automobile in 1903…”.
WOW. That’s right…then TinTin, Captain Haddock and Professor Calaculus were the first to land on the moon in 1954. Surprisingly, Fugelsang later in the show corrected him that “Bush didn’t out a CIA agent earlier this year, it was Robert Novak…”, which was a pretty big contrast in displaying his depth of knowledge from the “Wright Brothers” snafu.

I was a little confused by the following comment on the news tonight. A woman protesting downtown said that she asked her daughter serving in Iraq what she thought of her speaking publically against the war. She beamed as she said her daughter replied, "that she was over there fighting so that I could have the right to protest the war, and was proud to do so”.…but…does this mean mom is protesting the fact that her daughter is fighting for her right to protest? I mean mom's protesting that her daughter is fighting for her right to protest that her daughter’s fighting for her right to…..OW…my head.

According to the local news, Ralph Nader Will Appear On Oregon Ballot. The reason that this is news is because his campaign got enough signatures to get on the ballot some time back, but the Democrats hotly contested this any way they could. This, of course, is because they strongly believe Nader could help Bush get re-elected by stealing votes from Kerry. So they “contested” it all the way to having thousands of the votes “invalidated because of irregularities on petition sheets”. This brought Nader to just 218 votes short of what he needed. Ooops! Nader’s camp fought back by taking the issue to court and won a ruling to get back on the ballot.
Of course Bill Bradbury, responsible for invalidating the petition signatures, insists it wasn’t partisan politics that motivated his actions. Successfully containing his snicker, he later that day intoned at a pro-Kerry rally, “We need to elect John Kerry! We need to elect John Edwards!”


At September 10, 2004 at 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinko,'s that?


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