Monday, August 09, 2004

Fit or Unfit?

In a suprise upstaging of the release of the book, "Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out against John Kerry", someone hacked today into Barnes and Noble's website and changed the picture of the book cover to read "Fit", instead of "Unfit".
Once it was reported by, it wasn't long at all before B&N fixed it.
For an original screenshot of the page, click here. For the larger shot of the cover click here.
Besides the fact that I now have about zero confidence to purchase something on their website knowing that hackers ALREADY have access to it's inner workings, there's a bit of irony playing out here.
Nothing short of a childish prank in immediate effect, these pro-Kerry hackers have given an enormous amount of free publicity for this book. Now it's sure to stick out all the more in the short attention spans that are tired of the countless "tell all" election books already out there.


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