Saturday, August 21, 2004

Anti-Kerry Ads Heat Up

Oooooh, I crrrrush your head!


The anti-Kerry group titled "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" have released another TV commercial against Kerry. I guess their first one hadn't riled up enough people.
Things got even more heated today when Kerry's running mate, John Edwards publicly "called out" President Bush, claiming he could and should "stop these ads".
This is one of the clearer insights into Edwards style and personality since his being picked to run as the Democratic VP. An ex-lawyer, very persuasive and lucrative at that, he's taking a very interesting stand with this claim or 'challenge'. Think about it:
1) With one sweeping statement he indirectly asserts that Bush and his team are directly tied to the Swiftvets. This is pretty slick, as should be expected from a lawyer. It would be illegal for Bush to be directly connected to them. So, Edwards insinuates it without ever actually claiming it outright.
2) What would the ramifications be if Bush did "stop these ads"? Would that be legal? Would he be championed by the left at that point as a defender of personal rights, free press and free speech? I'd have a lot more respect for Edwards if I knew for sure that he is fully aware that Bush can not "stop these ads". At least then I would know he's just devious and not delirious.
3) Is this what we can expect from Edwards from this point on? Is he going to say the harsher, less "Presidential" sound bites, so as to let Kerry have his cake and eat it, too? I hope this isn't the start of a bad precedent. It would only highlight how ridiculous this has become if Cheney were to come out and start publicly attacking/long-distance arguing with Edwards over this matter. Vice President Cheney is endlessly lambasted and caricatured for alleged profanity spoken in private. Needless to say, if he were to use his position to argue about this, it would likely be desribed as beneath him and 'the office'.


At August 22, 2004 at 6:11 AM, Blogger R.M. Lupo said...

Hiya - total blogcomment jack here, but read your posts on fark re the 16 year old Iranian girl, and i feel it necessary to say that i enjoyed reading your comments, and wholeheartedly agree with them. Thank you for posting them.


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