Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Flippity floppity CNN

oVeR oNe tHoUsAnD ArReStEd ! ! !

NOPE. That's NOT the headline on CNN. Don't get me wrong. That IS what's happened in the last two days to protesters in NYC, but CNN hasn't heard about it yet, I guess. With the obviously groundbreaking news that over a thousand protesters have been arrested , CNN spent most of the day with their main headline pointing out that Cheney is talking at the RNC tonight. Right now it's about Kobe's charges being dropped. Now they're becoming People magazine, I guess. I couldn't care LESS about Kobe's charges being dropped. I actually had to go to NPR's website to find SOME coverage of it. Now I think I know where the term news blackout comes from. Amazing. If over a thousand Republican protestors were arrested (ever notice it never is over 1000 on the right being arrested?), I'm betting they would have breaking/special coverage 24 hours a day, like the Rodney King/LA riots coverage.

Jefford's a Maverick, but Zell's just a "zellout"
I thought it was interesting to see CNN ponder if Zell is a sellout for leaving the Dems to speak at the RNC, when I didn't remember similar coverage for Jefford's "defection". Isn't Internet search wonderful? (courtesy of their site):


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