Now, if we could only find some HOT AIR....
I went to get a coffee at the local barista, only to find yet one more brochure pandering to the environmentalists that their business adheres to the holier than thou standard of "SUSTAINABILITY". I guess they felt they had no choice, with their competitor, Starbucks, giving the appearance of being the leader in this matter.
I definitely don't give them the credit of sincerity. They've had forever to brag about their love of "sustainability", but are only doing it recently because of increasing pressure from the enviros.
I gave a copy of the brochure to an enviro here in the office and sent him the following email. He told me if he wasn't so busy he would, "address it". Here's my little soapbox rant to him:
Don't you have to admit that the word, "sustainability" is a grey, unspecific and manipulative term that's used to dictate to a people or government what they may or may not do? (i.e. what business you can do, where you can live, what you can drive, etc.)
"Sustainability" is thrown around endlessly, as if it were a scientific constant, like the boiling temperature of water. In reality, it's a politically charged rhetorical term that only it's own creators (environmentalists) are supposedly qualified to define, confirm or deny. The very ones who will tell me if my business practices are "sustainable" or not, are the very ones who created the term!
I think, as with some other government lobbies, environmentalism may very well have some adherents that are sincere, but there are plenty inside which are simply looking for new ways to take away people's freedoms and money.
So, how was your weekend?
p.s. - My email spell check doesn't recognize "sustainability" as a real word. Hmmmmmmmmmmm . . .