You haven't had that more than 4 hours, have you?
I don't normally complain about the countless ads for meds that are suppose to help "erectile dysfunction", but a recent commercial really crossed the line.
It's the Levitra ad "line", where the man never speaks. Only the non-stop grinning, satisfied woman. Maybe you know which one I'm talking about.
Well, until now, the ads have only annoyed me. But in the most recent one, the most powerful parts of the commercial, the parts which will undoubtedly bring in thousands of new customers, should flat out be banned.
I'm not even talking about something being salacious. Several times the woman (with the drunken smile) says "Strong and Lasting." And both times she says it, the words are splashed on the screen. (I don't know why they beat around the bush, they should have had her just say, "Longer. Harder.") Then finally the ad ends with her (still smiling - big surprise) saying, "Experience Levitra".
Now, you might be wondering why these seemingly innocuous words are so offensive. That goes to show you why ad execs get paid disgusting amounts of money.
Here's what's I think is so wrong with the ad, that I hope it gets pulled. Levitra is supposed to be prescription medicine for "erectile dysfunction". Instead, it's being pushed as a drug of choice and a performance enhancer.
Now, an ethical doctor will tell you it is only for those with slightly broken plumbing. But many will not hesitate to prescribe these to otherwise healthy young studs looking for something to add to their Red Bull/Vodka cocktail.
Bottom line: only if you really do need this Rx, should you have access to it, let alone have it pushed on you like so much crack.
One last thing. Does it strike you as insincere when they say a "negative" side effect might be a 4 hour erection? Yeah right. How many guys have refrained from buying it because of that "warning"? Please. That's just to grab the attention of anyone not already watching.
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