Then I poked him in the tummy and the DoughBoy went, WOOHOO!
Example of a Moorism...and why his supporters will NEVER get it.
This is an actual quote from Moore's latest "letter to friends":
My favorite moment of the VP debate: Cheney saying to the moderator that this was the first he heard that that many black women in America had AIDS. Clueless.
Now look at the actual quotes from the debate, and keep in mind the black, female moderator (who I thought did an OK job) thought she was putting the VP on the spot about an American black female AIDS EPIDEMIC (please look up the word "epidemic", if you're unsure what it means). I put in bold the parts I thought were very revealing:
IFILL: I will talk to you about health care, Mr. Vice President. You have two minutes. But in particular, I want to talk to you about AIDS, and not about AIDS in China or Africa, but AIDS right here in this country, where black women between the ages of 25 and 44 are 13 times more likely to die of the disease than their counterparts.
What should the government's role be in helping to end the growth of this epidemic?
CHENEY: Well, this is a great tragedy, Gwen, when you think about the enormous cost here in the United States and around the world of the AIDS epidemic -- pandemic, really. Millions of lives lost, millions more infected and facing a very bleak future.
In some parts of the world, we've got the entire, sort of, productive generation has been eliminated as a result of AIDS, all except for old folks and kids -- nobody to do the basic work that runs an economy.
The president has been deeply concerned about it. He has moved and proposed and gotten through the Congress authorization for $15 billion to help in the international effort, to be targeted in those places where we need to do everything we can, through a combination of education as well as providing the kinds of medicines that will help people control the infection.
Here in the United States, we've made significant progress. I have not heard those numbers with respect to African- American women. I was not aware that it was -- that they're in epidemic there, because we have made progress in terms of the overall rate of AIDS infection, and I think primarily through a combination of education and public awareness as well as the development, as a result of research, of drugs that allow people to live longer lives even though they are infected -- obviously we need to do more of that.
Some facts:
1) Cheney never said, "this was the first he heard that that many black women in America had AIDS". What's the difference between exaggerating and outright lying, Michael? Can you tell us? Can your movie "Farenheit 9/11" show us?
2) Edwards never rebuked Cheney for not recognizing the supposed US black female AIDS epidemic. Why didn’t he jump on the VP for his “obvious indiscretion”? Hmmm…maybe Edwards was hearing about it for the first time, too?
3) Edwards actually said that Bush's 15 BILLION in cash for AIDS around the world was not ENOUGH! He said that Kerry and he would DOUBLE it! Many Bush supporters believe giving 15 BILLION for AIDS money to other countries is already OUTRAGEOUS. Apparently Kerry/Edwards would just print more money if we ran out. If that isn't feel-good, brainless socialism, then NOTHING is.
Now for the real numbers that show why the moderator's use of the word EPIDEMIC was in itself inaccurate. Cheney very carefully called her on the use of it's word, and Moore thinks it shows how ignorant and insensitive Cheney really is. I can't believe people still believe in Moore...WOW. Here's some REAL statistics:
America (2002):
TOTAL = 886,575
Male-to-male sexual contact 420,790
Injection Drug Use 240,268
Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 59,719
Heterosexual contact 135,628
Other* 20,869
* Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal,
and risk not reported or not identified.
white - 364,458
black - 347,491
male - 718,003
female - 159,271
The World (2003):
TOTAL = 40 million
Sub-Saharan Africa (around 26.6 million),
South and South-East Asia (around 6.4 million)
Latin America (around 1.6 million)
Eastern Europe and Central Asia (around 1.5 million)
The moderator (who, again, I think did a fairly OK job) still gave a misleading statement about a national, black, female EPIDEMIC of AIDS, whether it was intentionally or not. The VAST majority of Americans with AIDS are WHITE HOMOSEXUAL MALES - apprx. 6 times the number of black females . Even if the fastest growing rate of new infections is with black females, it's still not an epidemic. And despite what they taught you in college, that isn't insensitive bigotry, it's actually a simple fact. Cheney gently called her on it, Moore capitalized on it, and I would venture to guess that maybe 1% of Moore's diehard followers are bright and intellectually honest enough to see his misleadings and take even one minute to look up the facts that Michael so eagerly tramples on.
VP debate transcript
2002 USA AIDS stats
2003 World AIDS stats